Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Happy New Year!

Grade 4 has been busy bees here at Dedham School. Our fall was full of finishing our Literature unit with our book, Bud, Not Buddy. Fourth grade really loved this book and gained lots of experience with responding to all the chapters in the book. After Thanksgiving, we started a study on the famous "Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. Surely a challenging read, but they did a great job!

On January 2nd, we welcomed our student teacher, Miss Lagasse. She comes to us with many years of experience as an ed tech and looks forward to learning more about teaching! She will be teaching more and more each week as we progress through her time here. She is currently teaching spelling and writing; she will be adding on math next week! She's doing a fantastic job!

In Science, all 4th grade students are completing a unit where they will be researching some instruments to find out how those instruments make noise. Finding out if they are pitch or non-pitch instruments. After this, students will be challenged to create their own instrument! I cannot wait!

Spelling homework has been a new addition. It will now come home on Wednesday night and be due the following Wednesday. This has seemed to be an issue for some - they have a week to complete - please try and help them accomplish this :)

We've just started our next Literature unit on Number the Stars.

Keep up the hard work 4th grade!